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The license file for this configuration is shown below.

FEATURE Token_lvl1

FEATURE Token_lvl2


According to the way that token-based licenses work, when you check out 1 license of feature Token_lvl1, you will also get 2 licenses of feature Token_lvl2 and 6 licenses of feature Product. Each license of feature Token_lvl1 takes 2 licenses of feature Token_lvl2, and each license of feature Token_lvl2 takes 3 licenses of the feature Product.

Example 1

The following example demonstrates that the order in the queue is important, and all token dependencies must have enough licenses for checkout requests.

  1. Alice checks out 5 licenses of Token_lvl1. (5 Token_lvl1 -> ; 10 Token_lvl2 -> ; 30 Product)
  2. Bob wants 3 licenses of Token_lvl1, but there are no licenses available. He goes to the Token_lvl1 queue.
  3. Charlie wants 2 licenses of Token_lvl1. He also goes to the Token_lvl1 queue.
  4. Alice returns 2 licenses of Token_lvl1. (2 Token_lvl1 -> ; 4 Token_lvl2 -> ; 12 Product)
  5. Bob tries to check out 3 licenses of Token_lvl1 (3 Token_lvl1 -> ; 6 Token_lvl2 -> ; 18 Product), but there are only 12 Product licenses available. He is still remains in the Token_lvl1 - queue.
  6. Charlie tries to check out 2 licenses of Token_lvl1, but he is not the first in the Token_lvl1 queue.*
  7. Alice returns 1 more license of Token_lvl1. (1 Token_lvl1 -> ; 2 Token_lvl2 -> ; 6 Product)
  8. Bob wants 3 licenses, and he finally gets them, because there are enough Product licenses available. (3 Token_lvl1 -> ; 6 Token_lvl2 -> ; 18 Product)
  9. Charlie wants 2 licenses of Token_lvl2, but all licenses are already taken by Alice and Bob. He is still remains in the Token_lvl1 queue.
  10. Bob returns his 3 licenses of feature Token_lvl1.
  11. Charlie wants 2 licenses of feature Token_lvl1, and he gets is now able to obtain them. (2 Token_lvl1 -> ; 4 Token_lvl2 -> ; 12 Product)

* With Note that with fast queuing (see example 3) enabled for the Token_lvl1 feature, Charlie would be able to check out the requested licenses. 


  1. Alice wants 5 licenses of Token_lvl2 and she gets them. (5 Token_lvl2 -> ; 15 Product)
  2. Bob wants 2 licenses of Token_lvl1 and he gets them. (2 Token_lvl1 -> ; 4 Token_lvl2 -> ; 12 Product)
  3. Charlie wants 1 license of Product and he gets it. (1 Product)
  4. There are 2 licenses of Token_lvl1, 9 licenses of Token_lvl2 and 28 licenses of Product in use.
  5. Bob wants another 2 licenses of Token_lvl1, but not enough licenses of Product are available. He goes to the Token_lvl1 queue.
  6. Charlie wants 10 more licenses of Product, but only 2 licenses are available. He goes to the Product queue.
  7. Alice returns her 5 licenses of Token_lvl2. There are 17 licenses of Product available.
  8. Charlie requests 10 more licenses of Product before Bob does, and he gets is able to obtain them, because he is in a different queue than Bob.
  9. Bob wants 2 licenses of Token_lvl1, but there are not enough licenses of Product available. He is still remains in the Token_lvl1 queue.

Example 3

The following is an example of fast queuing.

  1. Fast queuing is enabled for Token_lvl1.
  2. Alice takes 5 licenses of Token_lvl1.
  3. Bob wants 5 licenses of Token_lvl1. There are not enough licenses available. He goes to the Token_lvl1 queue.
  4. Charlie wants 3 licenses. He also goes to the queue.
  5. Alice returns 4 of her 5 Token_lvl1 licenses.
  6. Bob still wants 5 licenses of Token_lvl1. But There are not enough licenses available.
  7. Charlie wants only 3 licenses of Token_lvl1, but he is not first in the queue. Fortunately, fast queueing is enabled for Token_lvl1. Charlie gets 3 licenses.

Examples of special cases

The following examples illustrate how token-based license checkout queues are handled. 

Example 1

Example of case that causes dependency to be removed from the queue

Queuing token based-licenses generally does not affect its dependency queues; however, the following example illustrates an exception to this generality that does cause the dependency to be removed This example illustrates cases where a token checkout does not remove the dependency from the queue. 


  • Alice takes all licenses from the token.
  • Bob


  • queues the token licenses and the dependency


  • licenses.



  • Alice returns all the token licenses.


  • Bob takes


  • all the token licenses.
  • Bob cannot take more dependency licenses, because this would necessitate that he return token licenses. Therefore, Bob is removed from


  • the dependency's queue


  • to prevent blocking the queue indefinitely.

In contrast, the following example illustrates a case


Example 2

This example illustrates cases where a token checkout removes does not remove the dependency from the queue. 


  1. Alice takes three of the five token licenses.
  2. Bob takes the remaining two token licenses.
  3. Charlie


  1. queues the token licenses and


  1. dependency licenses for three licenses. 


  1. Bob returns his two licenses.


  1. Charlie takes


  1. the


  1. two licenses


  1. that Bob returned.
  2. Charlie remains in the dependency's queue


  1. , because it will be able to take the additional license it needs after Alice returns her licenses.