The information on this page refers to License Statistics v6.19 23 and newer, which added filtering for the Anonymization column in the License Servers gridintroduced the ability to enable/disable multiple license servers at once. If you are using a version previous to v6.1923, see documentation for previous versions. |
You can add license servers and edit information for existing license servers using the General tab in the License Servers page, found under the Administration section in the left navigation pane. (This page is visible only for License Statistics administrator users.) You can also verify your License Statistics configuration, which may be useful for troubleshooting purposes.
License Servers grid Anchor lic_serv_grid lic_serv_grid
The License Servers grid in the License Servers page lists information for each currently configured license server, as described in the following table.
Column Name | Description | ||||||
License Server | The display name for the license server. | ||||||
License Server ID | The ID identification of the license server. | ||||||
License Server Description | The optional user-defined description for the license server. | ||||||
License Manager | The license manager type (can be any supported license manager or a custom license manager). | ||||||
Host | The hostname of the license server. If the license server is configured to be redundant (three servers are used) this is the hostname of the main license server. | ||||||
Port | The port to use for the license server. If the license server is configured to be redundant (three servers are used) this is the port for the main license server. | ||||||
| The status of the license server for each applicable data source, including Remote, Import, and End User (e.g., Agents). You can hover over each data source status to see its details, including Last Update Time and, for "Failure" status, the relevant error message. For detailed information about license server status, see License Servers. | ||||||
Enabled | Indicates whether monitoring is enabled for the license server. A toggle in the Action column indicates the enabled status and allows you to enable/disable the license server as needed. You can enable/disable multiple license servers at once by selecting the license servers using the checkbox to the left of the license server row. | ||||||
Last Update Time | Indicates the time the data for the license server was last updated for all data sources. A status of "Never" indicates that the server was created but doesn't have any data yet (for example, the server has not yet had its first query or it was disabled before it was queried for the first time, or it was never imported). | ||||||
Query Interval | Indicates the time interval (in minutes) between queries. | ||||||
Redundant | Indicates (Yes/No) whether the license server is redundant. | ||||||
Feature Versioning | Indicates (Yes/No) whether Feature Versioning is enabled for the license server. | ||||||
| Indicates whether users, hosts, or both are anonymized for the license server. A Filters option allows you to show/hide servers according to their anonymization of users and/or hosts: