Versions Compared


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The information on this page refers to License Statistics v6.20 22 and newer, which added the ability to enable automatic Agent updates and manually update Agents from the End User Agents pageinformation for Agent errors and warnings. If you are using a version previous to v6.2022, see documentation for previous versions.

You can see a list of all License Statistics Agents in use and see information about Agents by reviewing the Agents page, found under the Administration section in the left pane. (This page is visible only for License Statistics administrator users.) Using this page, you can also manage Agent updates, connection interval, and groups.  


You can also update individual Agents manually. The Update Action button, located at the right end of the Agent row in the End User Agents table, will become available and the Version number will be displayed in orange when a newer Agent version is available. Click the Update button to trigger the update procedure. 

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License Statistics schedules Agents to be updated. The number of agents that License Statistics schedules to update at the same time is limited to 20 to avoid doing mass updates for setups that have a large number of Agents. The request to update the scheduled Agent will be made on the next connection, and the Agent will show an Update progress indicator in the End User Agents table.


The Agent will download the newer installer from the local License Statistics server (not from any external source or the internet), run the installer, update itself, and reconnect to License Statistics.

Agent errors and warnings

The End User Agents grid includes the number of errors and warnings related to individual Agents. 

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To see details about the errors/warnings, click the icon shown in the Error/Warning column. 

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Additionally, License Statistics administrators will see popup notifications for any Agent issues, as shown in the example below.

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The Custom Application grid also has an indicator of issues with Agents, as shown in the example below.

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The Event Log will also include information about the Agent issues, as shown in the example below.

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Advanced Settings

You can control the connection interval for Agents using the slider located under Advanced Settings, near the top of the End User Agents page. The connection interval is 30 seconds by default, and can be increased to up to 600 seconds (10 minutes). It is generally recommended to increase the connection interval when there are a large number of End User Agents, because the reduced occurrence of redundant connections improves performance with no difference in functionality or gathered data.


The End User Agents grid, displayed in the upper portion of the Agents page, includes the following information about license servers for which agents provided data:


The Agent error(s)


The Agent warnings


By default, this is the host name, which can be edited using inline edit.

VersionVersion of the agent service. This column shows a warning symbol if the agent version is older than the current License Statistics version.
StatusStatus of license server, which can be either Online or Offline. An Offline status indicates that the Agent was unable to connect to License Statistics in the last two intervals (typically, 1 minute).
HostHost name of the machine running the Agent.
Host IPIP address of the machine running the Agent.

Last Connection Time

Last time that the Agent connected to License Statistics (this reflects only the connection time, regardless whether data was gathered).
License Server

A list of all license servers for which the agent provided data (currently, this is limited to a Autodesk license servers).

ApplicationList of applications for which License Harvesting is enabled.
Agent GroupList of groups for the Agent. You can add and remove groups for an Agent using this column, as described in "Adding and removing Agent groups," below.
Agent IDUnique identification of the Agent, hidden by default.

Ability to remove offline Agent Image Modified. Disabled for online Agents.

add groups
add groups
Adding and removing End User Agent groups

Agent groups can be added using the End User Agents grid, as described below. (Agent groups can also be added and removed , or by using the Agent Groups tab in the Groups page.)

  • You can add an Agent group to an Agent by clicking in its Agent Group cell, then clicking the drop-down arrow next to "Select groups" and selecting the group you want to add from the drop-down list.
