You can define one or more templates for each product. Templates give you a way to pre-define settings that you can reuse when creating licenses. You must have at least one template for each product. A default template, named default, is provided for each product you create. You can redefine this template as needed, including renaming it. You can add as many templates to each product as you need.

You can look at templates as a way of selling your applications. As an example, say that you have different ways of selling your product to small businesses versus corporate customers, such as different expiration terms, different features included, etc. You can make templates for each of these scenarios, eliminating the need to specify the details for each license you create.

Continuing with our example of corporate versus small business licensing, you might create a "Corporate" template that specifies the HostID type is Ethernet, the license type is Network (floating), and includes features F1 and F2, and each feature expires one year from activation. You can then create a "Small Business" template that designates the HostID type is Hostname, the license is Local (node-locked), and includes only feature F1, which expires 6 months from activation.

After creating these templates, whenever you create a license for a corporate or small business customer, you simply select the appropriate template to apply all the default conditions to the license automatically.

You can override any of the settings in a template when you create a license order. You can also enable/disable features by default in each template that the feature is included in, and as for other settings, override that default as needed.

A major benefit of these flexible templates is that once you add a template, if you add a feature to the product (e.g., and add-on sub-product) in the future, you can attach the feature to the template and assign its default values to the template.

You create and edit templates using the Template tab in the Create New Product or Edit Product dialog (accessed from the Products page). To create a new template, click Create Template from the Template page. To edit an existing template, click the edit icon in the far right column of the Templates table. The Add New Template or Edit Template dialog appears. These dialogs have the same tabbed sections: General, Features, and Settings.

General tab

The settings you define in the General section of the Template dialog include the following.




A descriptive name that identifies the template.

License Type

The type of license (Network or Local).

Licensee Type

The type of entity that the license will be created for (Fixed, Customer, Unspecified).


The name of the person, company, etc. that will be receiving the license. (Optional.)


The HostIDs tab lets you specify the HostIDs that will be used to lock the license, such as Ethernet, Hostname, IP Address, etc. The available HostID types depend on the types that are supported by the license generator being used.

For license generators other than LM-X (FlexNet and Reprise), you can select one HostID type to lock the license to. When using LM-X as the license generator, you can select multiple HostID types. For each HostID type, specify the minimum required and the maximum allowed for successful HostID verification. For both fields, the range is from 0 - 16, and defaults to 1.

The desired HostID match rate percentage, which specifies the percentage of HostIDs that must match for successful HostID verification. This lets you lock your software to multiple HostID values, but allow users to run the software if only a percentage of the HostID values are valid. For example, if you select both Username and Hostname as HostID types, and specify a match rate of 50%, the license will be valid if either the Username or Hostname matches the set values.

For more information about using HostIDs with LM-X, see the HostIDs section of the LM-X Developer's Manual, and the Knowledgebase article, "Which HostID should I lock my license to?" For more information about LM-X HostID match rate, see the HOSTID_MATCH_RATE section of the LM-X Developer's Manual, and the Knowledgebase article, "How to use HostID matching."

Features tab

The Features tab lets you select the features that should be included in the license by default. Select the checkbox next to any features that should be included in the template by default.

Settings tab

The Settings tab lets you define the settings for each feature included in the template, which include expiration type; the date or number of days until expiration. In addition to settings that are included as selections in the Template dialog, you can use the Additional Settings edit box to specify text that will be part of the license template for that feature. For example, you could include XML code that will be part of xmllicgen input. One such example is specifying that sharing will be used by adding the tags that LM-X supports <SETTING SHARE="HOST" />.